
immaterium.me logo
greetings netizen travelers, wanderers of the world wide web, and whoever else might be traversing the ether for real people, with real thoughts + real vibes. so real!

you’re here + warm welcomes to my personal niche homepage in cyberspace someplace. I adopted a highway on the information superhighway, right off route 66 somewhere. and like every genius idea that I have it was born from a terrible one: I know, let’s recreate my oldschool homepage! So during the scamdemic of 2021 while afflicted by the Corona Extra virus, I decided lets do it. Cracked open dreamweaver, did the 5 minute install of WordPress and boom! done.

immaterium is a fictious plane of existence thats part of the Warhammer universe fyi. it doesn’t actually mean anything, I just thought it sounded kick ass.

so what’s it all about? in a gist all this:

45% personal blog: you’ve been on one or 5, probably have one yourself. so you know the usual bit: listicles, bookmarks, videos, images, galleries, memes, etc.

45% personal sketch-journal: real words, real thoughts, real emotions (uh oh) and sketches of random thingies.

25% whatever: anything not easily defined or categorized.

selfie of the webmaster


personality: I’m an amalgam of the following characters: Al Bundy, Alex P. Keaton, Bill Murray, Ferris Bueller, Vince Vaughn, Bruce Lee, The Vampire Lestat, Captain Kirk, Tyler Durden, Jack Tripper, Tony Almeida, Gordon Ramsay and Dr. Gori.

more: I go by spike on the line. I’m a vagabond drifter, a noble adventurer using his extensive martial arts skills + secret agent prowess to right wrongs and protect the oppressed, downtrodden, and innocent. I have A1 teeth which means I never require whitening (my teeth go *ding*). in the past I was a pool hustler, a pick up artist, a park bench poet, a web developer at Playboy interactive, Walgreens website male model, and product designer for As Seen On TV. I tried out and got rejected for a role as zombie #15 who gets decapitated by Glen on Walking Dead.

hobbies: reading, writing, binging, kicking it, karaoke, travel, art, poetry, design, photography, travel, cooking, retro gaming, d&d 1st edition, walking my dog, gardening, jeet kune do, working out