hello! fellow netizen travelers, wayward souls, dissidents, space explorers, strangers in the night, night owls, crazies, ninjas, vampires, whatever you identify with being. warm welcome to my glorious little cyber-realm. it’s a personal homepage (and as well all ought know that’s code for vanity page). there’s really no reason for it to still exist. except during the height of the plandemic, I had a beautiful thought (as I’m in the habit of having). and like all my ingenious ideas it was born from a terrible one: I know, let’s reconstruct my old homepage! I was also starting to get sick of binging Star Trek, Battlestar Galatica + Baywatch (they had back to back marathons). even the Thai delivery hunnie started watching retro kung fu movies at my crib lolz. so I cracked open dreamweaver, did the wordpress 5 minute install and badda bing badda boom got it did. even had a launch party at my local Hooters (the waitresses laugh at my jokes there). they don’t have many Chilli’s franchises here. did the whole powerpoint countdown presentation with midi music, and Jessica Alba’s sexy dance in Sin City on a loop during the countdown.

anyways, here I am getting my g33k freak on. It’s not everybodies cup of tea, its just for real really for me, about me, and by me the 3 amigos. thus all you politically correct, Karen oversharing, appropriate police with your emotionally wounded selves can take it someplace else. go have some homemade prozac or find somebody who pretends to be a good listener.

what to expect:

what you can expect? in a gist, all this:

  • homepage: updates, blah blah, photos, bookmarks, blog posts. pretty much the command center of my secret bunker.
  • personal blog: you’ve been on one I’m sure, all the usual suspects found here. from listicles, news, reviews, bookmarks, updates, the like.
  • personal sketch-journal: doodles, doodads, nibs, and other items can be found throughout.
  • photos: I don’t have a tonnage (just b/c I’m half Korean don’t assume that I do that’s racial stereotyping). anyways what I do have I’ll share up in here.
  • portfolio: various drawings, works, photos, etc.
  • things I like: whatever other things I classify as doodads in my doodad cast. or as annotated nibs.
  • bookmarks: other places on the line to check out.
  • hot babes: hunniebunnies are some sizzling chicks with hearts of gold. cherish them with a warm heart.

thats pretty much it, I’m running out of words now so sign the guestbook, hit CTRL + D to bookmark this webpage. or CTRL + W and be gone with ye, foolish mortals! *sinister laughter ensues*


spike the webmasterspike’s a chillaxed city cat (also: a cyberpunk) from Chiraq, and presently kicking it in the middle of Middle Earth somewhere (my pet name for the state of North Carolina). whereas I relocated here some 5 months prior to the plandemic. I’m quite a character I’m told, also quite incorrigible which is rather ridiculous, I never encourage anybody much. unless its to get them to buy Korean knock off designer purses from my cousin *sleazy laughter ensues*. I’m genetically 1.5 Korean + 1.5 Caucasian, which some refer to as hapa a Hawaiian word meaning halfy. mostly people just think I look Filipino which is fine with me (I have more Flip friends than any other ethnicity actually).  I still am convinced that they (my parents) were actually spies in the 60’s-70’s just saying. they also could’ve legit have been super assassins, supermodels, or ninjas or something. most of my time is spent reading, writing, traveling, cooking, karaoke, retro tech, jeet kune do, painting, secret spy shit, and secret missions/adventures. I’m also a bit of a cinema geek and always on the lookout for decent films worth watching.

you made it this far huh? Well as I was previously stating I don’t typically write a tonnage of weighty things pertaining to myself. why bother? everybodies got you written like a bad check, or a misinterpreted illustration of you that I couldn’t accurately do justice for myself even if tried. I don’t think people listen, want to listen, or get told to do any of those things (especially in our present attention deficit disorder economy). they have the cliff notes all worked out, and still no inkling of a clue about your story, character, persona, and idiosyncrasies. and in our unreality, its even worse than that. anyways, thanks for checking me out and come back again, y’hear? <—something they say allot here in North Carolina.